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Mothers are the new Royalty: Thinking Deeply about Pre/Post Natal Pilates Settings

Mothers are the new Royalty: Thinking Deeply about Pre/Post Natal Pilates Settings

I've been learning a lot about environmental, social and emotional factors influencing pregnancy, birth and mothers recently through the Better Birth 360 Summit. I was listening to an interview with Dr Julie Gerland this week about birth and she said something along the lines of.....

"Mothers (parents) are the new Royalty - if we honour, trust, listen, validate them we can change humanity!"

How powerful is that statement! I got goosebumps hearing this! In fact I pretty much had goosebumps the entire interview and kept this thought in my head as I went into teaching 4 beautiful Mums in class. 

"The slumbering Goddess within mothers is one of the most powerful forces in the world. Mothers have the ability to bring into the world a savior or a criminal."

- from the book Goddess Shift” by Dr Julie Gerland's

Another way Dr Gerland suggested to think about it is that The Mother is the child's first universe so whatever she is feeling the baby feels and this can then be taking into birth and life. So stressed, anxious mother means a stressed and anxious body which means a stressed and anxious baby and the same goes for a calm, happy, empowered Mother! 

So how can we as movement teachers think more about the 'soft skills' of teaching in relation to Pre/Post Natal Pilates?

  • See the person not just the body

  • Sometimes it really is not about the exercises and more about how you communicate and create trust with your clients

  • Listen to the kind of stories your client tells you, the kinds of words they use and their body language while they speak. Is it fearful and uncertain? Is it confident? Do they trust their bodies? Are they worried or stressed? all of these things impact how they will move and feel during and after your class!

  • People, especially pregnant people just like you want to be seen, heard, and know that there feelings matter. Pregnancy is a beautiful time for women to sink more into their feminine energy so it’s especially important to honour this and check in with them.

  • When planning think about the kind of environment you are creating (think words, lighting, body language, space, energy). Is it welcoming or is it really busy and noisy? Is it overly masculine or feminine?

Let's also think about how we welcome pregnant mothers to group settings! (yes it's a hard one!)

Do we freak out, worry or put them off to the side or back of the class? or do we guide them as best we can, see them not just the baby, respect there feelings and needs, listen, and help them sink into their own power!? Sometimes a smile is all it takes! 


image: via Full Circle Midwifery

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What I learned from screwing up my interview with Lesley Logan (Profitable Pilates)

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