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Pilates Teacher mindset: When you hit the mat - own it!!

Pilates Teacher mindset: When you hit the mat - own it!!

What’s your solution when you are stuck in the mindset of not being enough? Not strong enough, not good enough? Worse than or better than?

As we continue to explore our venture as a family in and around Byron Bay, we are gradually moulding into a routine that is filling us up as a family.

It was actice morning today. Little Indie doing Circus Class, Husband Tim going for a run (up the hills to the famous Lighthouse) and I just settled for a paddle in the water - it’s 30 degrees!

After seeing Tim drenched in buckets loads of sweat following his run, I asked him how he went. He replied confidently “Tough, but I owned it”. Somewhat perplexed with his terminology he expanded by: “Yeah, I owned it - every stride, every hill, breathe, I owned it”.

A very simple outlook, but one that we should all approach with our practice, whatever it is. Tim wasn’t bombarded by the heat, the tough terrain of the course, or whether he was strong enough - he took each stride upon himself and enjoyed the challenge. 

For us Pilates folk I encourage you to own your own practice.

Whether that being when you're out of routine, questioning your body or comparing yourself to other teachers or the person on the mat beside you.

So whatever comes up…...

Plank hold too long? OWN IT

Feeling lethargic or nervous with your teaching energy? OWN IT

Feel like your not connecting to your crowd? OWN IT

Looking  or comparing yourself to others? OWN IT

Own your Practice

Appreciate all of the accomplishments and shortfalls, those big and small. Own it and take responsibility for your practice. Even if this is arriving to class 10 minutes earlier to practice a new exercise that you may be teaching. Or arriving at class just on time and taking your time to set up your teaching space!

Taking charge and responsibility for your own practice (and meeting yourself where you are with kindness) will lead to having greater conviction and confidence in who you are as a teacher.

PS - I would love to hear your comments on how you are ‘owning it at the moment’ or any inspiration you would like to share!

PPS - It was so awesome to see the response to my last Insta feed this week regarding client reviews. For those being bogged down by reviews or whether this is impacting you emotionally as a teacher, do whatever you can to not let the external suck you up and own it! Stay tuned for a blog post on this shortly!

How to set clear boundries as a Pilates Teacher and prevent burnout

How to set clear boundries as a Pilates Teacher and prevent burnout

The Undercover Instructor - Ep 7 Pilates Class Planning with Jacqui Maree Bailey

The Undercover Instructor - Ep 7 Pilates Class Planning with Jacqui Maree Bailey