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How to set clear boundries as a Pilates Teacher and prevent burnout

How to set clear boundries as a Pilates Teacher and prevent burnout

If you’re the kind of teacher that goes off her intuition, that reads energy like a mofo and has an uncanny ability to know something is ‘off’ just by someone's body language then you better have some very clear boundaries! Otherwise you’ll find yourself entering into fatigue pretty damn fast! 

Where is your invisible line and how do you let your clients know it’s there?

If you said yes to any of the above then you also probably like getting to know your clients really well! Some of them might even become friends but some will also often cross a line. Part of your journey as a Pilates Teacher is learning where that ‘invisible line’ actually is for you! It’s going to be different for everyone!

Here are a few questions to help you figure out where to draw the line:

  1. What situations have you been in that make you hold your breath, feel tension or pull back emotionally or physically?

  2. What situations, people, places or classes drain your energy?

  3. What is your strategy when someone has crossed a line and you need to address it in a kind and professional way? 

  4. How do you prevent people crossing that line in future? 

You have all heard of energy vampires by now I’m sure. You know the kind of people that when they leave, you are absolutely drained! So what does that look like for a Pilates Teacher and how do you manage it? 

There is always that client that comes super early to class and invades your space when you're getting into your ‘teaching zone’ or getting organised (i.e doing your own workout, setting up, chilling out, etc). Or maybe it’s that client that hangs around a little too long after class, seeking attention, validation or your ‘buy-in’ for their latest story. 

If you have experienced this situation, here’s what you need to consider. 

You as a teacher are like a rock star in a lot of ways, you are a leader of a tribe and many people admire you, want to be like you and see you as a huge source of inspiration in their lives. In fact, you may be the only consistent person they see or talk to each and every week!! Whether you like it or not, you are in a relationship with your regular clients. And relationships that don’t have clear loving boundaries always turn to shit!  

How do you prepare yourself to be in front of people?

So what’s your plan if a client comes in early? Do you always stop what you are doing to accommodate them but regret than regret it later? Are you clear on what you need to do to prepare yourself to be in front of people? Are you clear what habits and rituals make you feel confident and ready to teach?

If you find you are regularly feeling people are crossing a boundary for you then it’s time you took some time out to reflect on the above questions and honestly answer how you are showing up for yourself!

Meeting people where they are without exhausting yourself is a skill. 

It’s also something that changes depending on what kind of session you are teaching. Maybe you are a group reformer teacher, maybe you teach more 1:1 pilates or small groups. Whatever session it is will more than likely require you to be adaptable to the energy of the room or the person in front of you. But being adaptable as a teacher doesn’t mean you change who you are as a person! It just means like you adapt exercises for people you also adapt the way you deliver the pilates repertoire through your voice, body language, and energy!

This really hit home for me after an interview I did a little while ago with Victoria Becka from Pialtes ITC. Vic has a great way of having clear boundaries that clearly represent her teaching style and values. See a snippet of the interview here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-ZQ8sZJ1RI

Why it’s ok to teach a hard class and push people

Why it’s ok to teach a hard class and push people

Pilates Teacher mindset: When you hit the mat - own it!!

Pilates Teacher mindset: When you hit the mat - own it!!